Tag Archives: Search

To compare different search engines I also installed SearXNG. My instance is hosted in Germany at Ionos and is accesible here: https://searxng.site/searxng/search You can try for free or use other public instances. SearXNG is a meta search engine, that uses the big search engines to find results, but prevents them from placing advertisements and collecting data. I am using it now on my smartphone and my private laptop.

Most people use Google for searching. But since they started, they have changed a lot. What you usually find first, is advertising for products that someone wants you to buy. So you start to scroll down until you find something that seems to be what you are really looking for. Often, the site you visit does not really provide you with good insights. It is just clickbait. Long text with a lot of words but few original thoughts. Instead there are plenty of products you can buy. Again, not what you are looking for. Sometimes just an echo of your last search. These products are also well placed by google – paid content. You are not paying Google with money for their great efforts to make the internet searchable. Instead, you are paying with your attention and time. Which Google is selling to whoever pays for it. I think this…

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